Tuesday, September 17, 2019

audience research

Audience research - (on going)

This will focus on how universal and Columbia film studios appeal to, engage and position audiences, the different and complex ways in which the audiences interact with media products and how audiences may respond to media products.

30-49 year olds

Universal Studios
Columbia in regards to film
Various social media platforms 
Various media platforms 

In order to target the best demographic and create awareness of the media product text producers often categorise audiences either into the Demographic audience profile - where an  audience is categorised A-E according to their class, income, occupation; categories A–B are the wealthiest and potentially have the highest disposable income. Or the Psychographic profiling refers to the study into personality, attitudes, values, lifestyles and interests. By researching into an individual's psychographic we are able to make a generalisation of what the individual will like and then group them with like-minded people.
Media producers use audience research and analysis to find out as much as possible about their target audience and use that research to ensure their production will appeal to them. One way in which media language and representation choices target audiences is through the selection of signfers encoded into the media text and the choice of : gesture codes, iconography, images.

This shows me the most popular genre for my target audience would be action.

Primary research 
  • focus group with parents/parents friends 
  • online surveys
What kind of films do they watch, the genre of those films.

Focus group - notes

  • fast pace action movies are the best as they are interesting - they don't find it boring
  • they enjoy a simple narrative

Secondary research 
  • Gerbner cultivation theory
  • Bandura media effects

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audience research

Audience research - (on going) This will focus on how universal and Columbia film studios appeal to, engage and position au...